Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
97 lines
This window is used to enter company information. Companies
are the "payee" on the bill. Bills may only be entered for
companies that have been previously defined.
Company - To change information for an existing company, select
it from the combo box, then change any desired fields. To add
a new company, type over any existing name. When adding a
new company use the "Edit - Clear Fields" menu selection if
you want to start with blank fields.
Address 1 - First street address line. This address line is
Address 2 - Second street address line.
City - City name. This field is required.
State - State abbreviation. This field is required.
Zip - Zip or postal code. This field is required.
Telephone - Company telephone or fax number. This field is
Contact - Name of usual contact. This field is optional.
Account # - Your account number with this company. Though this
field is optional, it should be entered so it can be printed
on the checks.
Ok - Update all company information.
Cancel - Return to previous window. Do not update any information
not "Ok'ed" so far.
Menu Bar:
Exit - Leave this program. An option will be presented to take
a back-up of all files. This option is recommended.
Clear Fields - Blanks all fields in the window. Useful for
adding new companies.
Delete Company - Deletes the currently selected company. Only
a company with no outstanding bills or activity this year
can be deleted.
Special Fields - Opens another window of fields for this company.
Included are the default description, catagory, and due date
for bill entry. You should select this option after adding
any new company.
Summary Info - Opens another window of statistics for this
company. Statistics include total payments, last activity,
and current due.
Bank Accounts - Opens another window for bank account
information. You can use this option to select a new
bank account, or change the account information.
Catagories - Opens another window for catagory information.
You can use this option to add a new catagory for bill entry.
Check Register - Opens another window to select and display
the check register for the current bank.
Company Information - You found this option, it is your
current window.
Enter Bills - Opens another window to enter bills. Bills
can be entered as soon as they are received.
Pay Bills - Opens another window to select and pay bills.
Bills can be selected for payment by company, catagory, or
due date.
Company Summary Report - Prints a statistical report for all
companies. The information printed is similar to the
"Summary Info" window.
I'm Stuck - You found this option, it is what you are
currently reading.
Error Messages - Shows all fatal error messages and their
corrective actions.
About - Shows information about this program. Including how
to register